Why should you use a mortgage broker?

Why should you use a mortgage broker?

A good broker can save you money and make sure you get the right mortgage loan to suit you. Here’s some more good reasons why it’s worth using one… You’re getting on the property ladder for the first time, or you’re looking to move to a bigger place. You need a...
Possible stamp duty change to benefit homebuyers

Possible stamp duty change to benefit homebuyers

The threshold at which stamp duty is paid could be increased to save homebuyers money, according to the media. Over the past few days, several newspaper websites have reported rumours of a possible stamp duty change later in the year, which would benefit certain...
First time buyers teaming up to buy a property

First time buyers teaming up to buy a property

Over 60% of first-time buyers are teaming up with someone else to buy their first home, according to Halifax. The lender says that joint first-time buyers now account for 63% of all mortgage transactions, with mortgage completions now in joint names with two or more...