This week saw the launch of the newly-named MBA Lounge at Sutton FC, with our founder Monica Bradley formally opening the facility. The lounge, which underwent an extensive makeover during the summer, hosts a variety of events throughout the year ranging from business meetings and networking functions to private parties and the ever-popular Boom Boom Club.

Sutton United chairman Bruce Elliot, was on hand to welcome Monica and the MBA Team as sponsors, said in his speech, “Using some of our FA Cup money from two years ago, we’ve seen a total transformation of not only this room, but all three of our bars. This room in the past was called the Allders Lounge and the Times Square Lounge. Now it proudly displays the new signage of the MBA Lounge.”

Bruce continued, “Huge thanks to Monica for agreeing to sponsor this function room for the next three years with the option for a further two years after that. I hope her team enjoys the Sutton United experience. I am sure this will be a very successful partnership.”

Talking about her new involvement with the club, Monica explained, “I have known Bruce for more than 30 years,” she said. “When he first approached me to sponsor this facility, I jumped at the chance. This was partly because the club is a core part of the community and because I’ve also spent many happy evenings here over the years at the Boom Boom Club.

“You can see how much time and effort the club and other sponsors have invested in creating this facility. It really does look amazing.”

If you would like to hire the MBA Lounge, call 020 8644 4440, email or visit

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